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Location: Minneapolis, MN

Dempsey is a Golden Retriever puppy who is in training to become a Helping Paws service dog for an individual with a physical disability. He lives with his parents Doreen and Paul, and Bailey the cat. None has ever trained a puppy before. These are their adventures. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are strictly those of the blog author. The contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by Helping Paws, Inc.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Why it is difficult to understand things here

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but I'm not sure that's true here in France. Take a look, for example, at these posters that I've been seeing all over the train stations. Now, what kind of creature does that look like?

I thought it was a dog.

After translating the title -- "Pollux: The Enchanted Horse Gear" -- The Enchanted Horse Gear?!? --I've concluded that the dog is, perhaps, really a horse. But isn't that horrible animation? And what's up with the rabbit? It looks like he has a mohawk and sideburns. Talk about transgressive.

I don't even get the Pollux. Wouldn't Castor make more sense?

It's very different here.