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Location: Minneapolis, MN

Dempsey is a Golden Retriever puppy who is in training to become a Helping Paws service dog for an individual with a physical disability. He lives with his parents Doreen and Paul, and Bailey the cat. None has ever trained a puppy before. These are their adventures. The views and opinions expressed in this blog are strictly those of the blog author. The contents of this blog have not been reviewed or approved by Helping Paws, Inc.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight…or the next day, or perhaps sometime this week.

I am sitting in our apartment waiting for FedEx. A package containing our ATM card was delivered while we were out of town this weekend. Long story short, the credit union had sent a new ATM card to our home in Alexandria and the post office returned it saying the address did not exist. I am pretty sure it does – though maybe I could let the City of Alexandria know and I can get a break on those escalating real estate taxes.

Naturally, instead of contacting us or noting the numerous other pieces of mail that arrived successfully, the credit union locked the account. When Paul and I went to the ATM in Paris to withdraw cash, we received a message saying the old card was invalid and immediately seized. Seized? It seemed unusually harsh for France. They usually use such gentle phrases. Even the message from FedEx France said: We have tried to deliver your package without success. We await your instructions. Please call us as quickly as possible. The English translation: We tried to deliver. Please call back.

So I called and was told the package would be redelivered before noon today! This efficiency was particularly irksome for Paul who schlepped back to the apartment in search of change because the cashiers at the train station were on strike – again – and the machine would not accept his credit card – again – and the machines do not accept bills.

About 2:00pm, it occurs to me that even in Parisian time it is some time after noon. I call again. It seems the courier was here some time ago and called the dispatcher to explain she did not have the code to enter the building. I don’t bother to ask why the driver did not call me and simply ask for the code – I just give her the code and ask if it might still be delivered today. Perhaps this afternoon I am told, if the driver has not gone home. Definitely within two hours if she is still working. If not, perhaps tomorrow morning.

One hour later, I receive a cheerful call from the driver asking for the building code. I ask if she is downstairs. Not at the moment, I am told. Foolishly, I ask when she might arrive. She tells me she will be here shortly and wishes me a good day.

That was an hour and a half ago; I am still waiting.